Marinke from MCM


13/12/12Maiko 373 X Nanneke van Berkley.

Black Friesian filly born in the house paddock @ 9.39am. A very fast delivery without incident. She was on her feet within minutes and feeding less than an hour from the time her front feet entered into our world.

Foal book filly is offered for sale now, and will be ready for her new home at or around 12 months of age.  I expect this filly to get to 16hh.

Sold to Fiona in NSW.

Latest Statistics:

Measurements taken:    June 2013

Current Age:                   6 months 

Current Height:              12.1hh mature to 16hh

Weight:                            250 kg's 

Bone:                               7.5" 


Marinke from MCM

Tsjerk 328

Feitse 293



Barteld 292


Sierda - ster + pref
